Self-employment Training Program for Past
Students of Ekal

A Training Program
To Empower Tribal Women
Smt. Sathyashree Priya. E.,
Chairperson, Mahila Samithy, FTS Kochi
FTS and Mahila Samithi, Kochi organized
training program for SHGs supported by BPCL on June 7th
There were 46 male and female
participants, of different age groups. They were trained on Mushroom
Cultivation by Smt Anitha, Vegetable and Fruit Promotion Council and
making dry flowers bouquet of different shapes and sizes with
bio-degradable papers and environment friendly materials by Smt.
Sudhakshina and Dr. Namitha.

Second day started with the training session on
the actual procedure for the formation
of SHG by Adv. N.N.Girija.
I received a copy of “INCREDIBLE
CHAMPIONS” by N.Chandrasekaran
published by Partridge India.
is an interesting and well thought effort in bringing out various
professionals who
are contributing significantly to the society. It explains how
exemplary professionals see opportunity in challenging times and
circumstances to serve a large society.
book covers 25 most inspiring social activists from Tamil Nadu, and
one name in this list is our own Dr. C. SATHEESH KUMAR (Project
excerpts from the book:
who was born to a middle class, conservative family, went ahead to
pursue his ambition of serving
society. He was qualified to become a doctor (BAMS) in Ayurveda
medicine from Coimbatore. After passing out he joined
a social work project in Arunachal
Pradesh where he worked for 2 years serving 10 tribal villages, after
which he went back to Udagamandalam, Tamil Nadu and joined J.S.S.
college of Naturopathy and Yogic Science as a lecturer and it is
during this period Satheesh met his mentor Sri Shyamji and pursued
his ambitions to educate tribal children.
location in the Nilgiris District helped him to go ahead with this
mission. Over the years, he has become a leader and mentor for many
in the organization, and has been able to significantly impact tribal
education, bring in more volunteers and work on the large
requirements of the organization.”
he is also involved in Arogya foundation of India, Home remedies
project in Coimbatore.
great efforts from a person of humble beginning are worth emulating.
FTS Coimbatore celebrates Silver Jubilee
Friends of Tribals Society, Coimbatore chapter
celebrated Silver Jubilee of FTS on August 31 by organizing a drama
event by cine fame Kathadi Ramamurthy. They had 2 plays, one
exclusively for all Rotarian clubs in Coimbatore. Packed audience not
only enjoyed the humor but also came to know about EKAL VIDYALAYA and
its activities.
FTS took this as an opportunity to honor top 10
Acharyas of Ooty Anchal. The awards were given away by Sri
R.L.Maheswari, Treasurer, FTS Coimbatore and Sri Uday Chandran,
President, Rotary Coimbatore Manchester.
Rakhi in Ekal Village with people from

Ekal Vidyalaya won the ‘Impact
Contest 2014’

The participants were judged based on few
factors (i) legitimacy of the organization (ii) the online
popularity and (iii) their impact towards their communities.
Our heartfelt gratitude for all the support
right through this campaign!
Sriram and Sujatha
Lucknow Ekal Carnival
Ekhal Abhiyan’s Lok Siksha parishad, Lucknow
chapter’s ladies wing celebrated Rakhi, Theej and Sri Krishna
Ekal carnival was conducted on 19th
July at Lucknow city. About 35 stalls
were there in the carnival with handmade Rakhi, Bangles, Saree,
organic fertilizer etc. About 300 families participated in this
carnival. During
the event lot of competitions like fancy dress, rangoli, cooking
competition etc. were held. With this
program they were able to collect donations for 5 schools.
Ekal Abhiyan Mahila Nagar Sangthan Vargs
Prof Manjushree
Himachal Pradesh is fondly known as Devbhoomi
and Devlok. It is the land of Lord Shiva and Parvati. True to its
testimony Mother Nature
has blessed this hilly terrain with abundance of rare and valuable
vegetation, fruits, herbs, vegetables, flowers, lush greenery, clean
water from the
glaciers and gods and goddesses
spread fragrance and aura of
spiritual energies to encompass
the humanity.
Ekal Teachers are all young women.
This fact makes it more significant that we involve greater support
of urban, semi-urban and village women
in Ekal Abhiyan. Around 90,000 people have taken Ekal membership in
the villages, because 70,000 children are getting education in Ekal
schools of Himachal. No wonder around 1600 Ekal school are supported
by Swavlamban collection (local resources) by local, Ekal volunteers
(not full-timers).
These women volunteers termed as Free Timers or
samiti members of Ekal are basically trained in six subjects in the
Mahila Varg.
1. Quality of Ekal Vidyalaya: Regular visit to
Ekal schools to encourage and inspire the teacher and to supervise
the school functioning.
2. Matri Bhojan: Thirty ladies of Sanch Kendra
form the ‘Mahila Mandol’ to organise Matri Bhojan for 30 Ekal
teachers who come for Abhyas Varg every month on definite date. Thus
a bond is established between Sneh Sampark Parivar and the teacher.
3. Ma. Yasodha Yojna: Seva Patra (we call it
nandan patra) is kept with the lady of the house to collect one or
two rupees a day to support poor children’s education. Just like
Ma. Yasodha brought up Balkrishna born to Devki, urban affluent
ladies can bring up poor village children by sponsoring for
their welfare and education through small savings.
4. Upahar Samman Yojna: Once in a year on the
occasion of Sankranti, Onam, Lohri or Deepawali these ladies of
supportive group play the role of Abhibhavak and honor the respective
teachers and the sevavratis publicly by giving them gifts in the
presence of Gram Panchayat or Gram Sabha and respected people of the
5. Organise vanyatra or school visits for
cultivating donors and city volunteers.
6. Organize Mahila Samiti to execute different
programs for Prachar - Prasar, strengthening the organization and for
raising funds for Swavlamban.
Similarly Himgiri Bhag Mahila Varg was held in
Kullu on 22 and 23rd
July 2014. 70 women participated. They represented five
anchals-Shimla Rodu, Sirmore, Kinnor, Kullu and Anni.
In both the events, local samiti members of
Ekal have given full support of every kind to make it successful. The
and leadership command of the village women
who did not even
know how to hold the mike, are worth appreciating.
Chennai FTS Bazzar
The Mahila Wing of FTS Chennai Chapter
successfully organized 8th
FTS Bazaar on 18th-19th
July 2014 in The Park Hotel, Chennai. It’s a 'Sale Event' with the
noble objective to support Ekal Vidyalayas in Tribal & Rural
Areas. The profit from this event was given to Ekal Vidyalayas
supported by FTS-Chennai Chapter.
- The Chief Guest and Sponsor for the event Smt.Rajshri Narayan Rathi inaugurated this gracious event
As part of Corporate Social Responsibility, Bank of India, a leading Public Sector bank - adopted 20 Ekal Villages during this Financial Year. Shri.Sripada S Rao, Zonal Manager & Shri.E.Shanmugam, Senior Manager – Administration from Bank of India, Zonal Office – Chennai presented the Cheque worth Rs.4.00 Lakh to Shri.K.K.Maheswari, President-FTS Chennai Chapter, Smt.Krishnaa Bhaiya, & Smt.Sadhana Mimani & Smt.Vimala Damani, Immediate Past President of Mahiala Samithi -FTS Chennai.
- More than 40 stalls were put up by various business establishments
- Though it is an event of sales, the FTS-Chennai chapter - Mahila Samithi members actively promoted the cause of Ekal Vidyalayas to the visitors and other signatories attended this event
- Hourly Lucky Prize coupons were sold during the event.(3 participants were selected as Lucky Prize winners for the hour and gifted with some essential household items. The participants bought coupons for Rs. 25 /- worth to participate in this lucky draw. More than 3000 Hourly Lucky Prize Coupons were sold during the event)
SHSS's first NCC meeting held
“Ekal” In NYC ‘India Day Parade’
Prakash Waghmare, Ekal Nat’L PR/Publicity

This year’s parade had special significance
to “Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation, USA.” For the first time in its
history, ‘Ekal’ participated in this eagerly awaited parade with
throngs of volunteers from Edison (Staten Island is part of it),
Wayne, Philadelphia and Connecticut chapters who wanted to emphasize
their support for the ‘cause’ that was dear to their heart. The
primary objective of Ekal’s participation was publicity and
exposure to the Organization and thereby reinforces its prominence in
NY, NJ, Connecticut areas.
People involved in making this parade a success are aplenty: Ekal info-paraphernalia (handouts, flyers) for public distribution was provided by Kalpana Fruitwala and Pooja Shah. Jayesh Patel, Prakash Waghmare, Prajna Khisti and Parveen Sharma monitored the procession while Sanjay Phanse, Nanda Mounasami, Neera Tulsiyan clicked the pictures. Shri Devkinandan Thakurji Maharaj of ‘Bridavan’ led the Ekal’s flotilla procession. During the parade, the youths distributed several thousand Ekal bookmarks in the crowd surrounding the parade while Satish Karnik and Deenbandhu Tulsiyan distributed Ekal flyers at the end-point of it. All men volunteers wore blue Ekal t-shirt while all women volunteers wore dusty-brown Ekal t-shirts.
Our volunteers carried two dozen banners, making the float the most eye-catching, and most photographed (by public) group of people. While marching in the parade, the volunteers, from time to time also resorted to loud slogan - ‘Sponsor a school, Dollar a day’, in unison. Not only the public and the commentators of the ‘Grand Stand’ took significant notice of Ekal’s presence because of all this, but also, the media covering the parade paid more attention. TV Asia, BU4 and CNN took Jyotindrabhai’s ‘moving-interview’ and ITV interviewed Jyotindrabhai and Prakash Waghmare. For this parade, Ekal volunteers, not only gave their valuable weekend time but also paid for their t-shirts and the lunch at the end of the parade. Kudos to our overseas volunteers!
EVF Australia completes 10 years
I was fortunate to be an official photographer
of this wonderful fund raising charity event organized by Ekal
Vidyalaya Foundation of Australia, celebrating the 10th Anniversary
in Sydney. Among the eminent invited guests were Member of
Parliament and Secretary to the Minister for Communications - Paul
Fletcher and Consulate General of India - Sanjay Sudhir.

More Photos:
Amber Desai
Photographer, FotoKnack Photography
EVF USA's AGM in Cincinnati
We, at Ekal Vidyalaya take Swami Vivekananda’s
vision of taking education to the
poor child as our mission. While we raise just one dollar for a
school, we leverage it with the work provided by on-the ground
volunteers and intense
support from our well-wishers. To bring all our well-wishers together
and motivate many others, Ekal Vidyalaya is hosting its Annual
Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio from October 3 to 5, 2014.
Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of USA will work to
significantly enhance its contribution. Please join us in Cincinnati
from October 3-5 and share your experiences and suggestions!
Awesome work by Arogya Foundation

“One person can inspire one village”, this very mentality is what propels the people of Ekal in lending a helping hand to those in need. A valuable lesson I’ve learnt over the course of my stay is that it isn’t the amount of people that attend these summer camps that truly counts, but the lessons you walk away with, that you implement in your daily lives. Sometimes all it takes is the drive and dedication of few to really make an impact. After all how did Ekal start?
A boy from Chicago traveled to over 200 villages throughout India, and gained from that a sense of understanding and perspective of all the obstacles those people must overcome on a daily basis. It is one thing to hear and see things through internet, television, newspaper articles, and another to observe their surrounding and environment for yourself. I feel that creating your own vision rather than seeing it through others’ eyes is the make or break for some to really step up and achieve a greater understanding than what meets the eye. For this reason I found this exposure to be an unforgettable privilege that the Arogya house has not only been so welcoming, but allowed me to have direct involvement in the project process.
My particular sector of involvement was through Arogya Foundation: Managing Malnutrition and Anemia through home remedies. Over the course of my stay I traveled to several villages including Thudiyalur, Mettupalayam (Gopanari village), Boluvampatti, SandhegoudhanPalayam, and Thenmanallur. I traveled to the local schools and villages and administered HBT Anemia tests on women and kids; the people’s ages were ranging 15-30. Astonishingly, the demography of over half the population was a blood level of below 6, proving the theory that women and children are malnourished.
For the people with levels of 9.5 or below we supplied Ayurvedic medicine for 15 days and people with severely low count of 6 or below were given a 1 month supply. Alongside us, were two doctors from Australia and London who were conducting oral and eye examinations for those within the villages, and giving presentations to the kids about the importance of oral hygiene. I learned the effectiveness of home remedies in comparison to using western medicine; I can say from personal experience that western medicine only puts a bandage on the complication and is used primarily as a quick fix.
Ekal Abhyan Monthly Update Chart
Abhiyan Karyalaya (ABK)
Tel. No. - 033-24988508Email
ID -
Report Chart (MRC)
Month: 30th
June, 2014
Publication: 31th
July, 2014
Anchal ( Project Area) |
Sanch (Cluster) |
School (New School – 6390) |
Student |
Seva Varti Karyakarta (Full time worker) |
( IV)
classes for the villagers) |
Attendance (Weekly) (A) |
No.of Motivational Assembly |
Attendance (Monthly) (B) |
No. of
Awareness Program (Mobile Video Rath) |
No. of Public Meeting |
Public Meeting Attendance(Monthly) (C) |
No. of Contact Program |
Contact Program Attendance(Monthly)(D) |
Total Public involved (A+B+C+D) Program |
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