Thursday, July 31, 2014

Impact of Ekal with these girls

This is Shruti Mohan. Shruti is 14 years old and is currently studying in 9th standard. Shruti has been studying at the Ekal school in her village, Kattimattam, since its opening a few months ago in April. After attending an Ekal school for the past two months, Shruti has noticed that she has become more conscious of her health and is also more aware of her culture. In addition to what traditional schools provide, Ekal gives her a holistic education which encompasses lessons on personal health, and culture. Shruti enjoys learning about the sciences.

Pictured is SrinishaSrithar. Srinisha is currently 12 years old and is studying 7th standard. Srinisha has been studying at her local Ekal school since its opening in April. Although Srinisha already attends a government school, she finds that since attending Ekal, she has become more curious about her culture and has noticed a significant improvement in her health after being identified with anemia in June. She and Shruti are the two oldest girls in the school and often play an older sister role to many of the younger children. They also actively help the teacher, Kesiniroja, with many tasks.
This young girl is VivekaMohanraj. She just turned 13 and is studying in 8th standard. She attends an Ekal school in a village called Palayan which is near to the city Boluvampatti. She greatly enjoys attending school citing that she loves learning about her culture. She loves to play with her friends when not in school. She was recently assessed and was confirmed as very anemic. She says that she is looking forward to a more productive life.

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